Did you know that the way we lead our lives (lifestyle) contributes to around 70% of long term illnesses? That's the food we eat, the exercise we do, our habits (do we drive everywhere or go by bike or walk?), and how we deal with stress.
It follows then, that long-term illnesses are avoidable and can even be reversed, so if we can change what we do (our behaviour) in the long-term (by making steady changes), we will achieve great results.
#1change is a new campaign, which has avoiding long-term illness at its heart.
This campaign is all about saving our treasured National Health Service, taking responsibility for our own health and wellness and taking action. The idea behind the campaign is to use a trigger, and then share your success using the #1change hashtag. The positive change over time, all adds up to a healthier you.
It is easy to fall out of good habits when we don’t pay attention or actually not even get going with them because life is so busy and it is just one more thing to remember to do. That is why the #1change idea is great as it relies on a trigger to make it happen.
Knowing the link between long-term disease and lifestyle choices, is the first step in making positive lifestyle changes. But to ensure it really happens, here is the suggested frame:
Trigger- Choose something you commonly do daily e.g. brush teeth
Behaviour – What is it you want to change e.g. do push-ups, so start with one just to establish the habit. Every time you brush your teeth, do a push-up.
Celebrate – pat yourself on your back every time you “brush and push”, and share your success with your friends.
Share and inspire others on social media under #1change
As an example: if you want to start getting your exercise done first thing in the day, when you set your alarm at night (trigger), lay your work-out gear next to your phone. Seeing it in the morning will help you establish the habit (behaviour). Don't forget to Celebrate: share on social media with the #1change hashtag. You can even tag us if you want us to help you be accountable (@bodhimovementmassage).
What #1change will YOU make? I'd love to hear from you!
It follows then, that long-term illnesses are avoidable and can even be reversed, so if we can change what we do (our behaviour) in the long-term (by making steady changes), we will achieve great results.
#1change is a new campaign, which has avoiding long-term illness at its heart.
This campaign is all about saving our treasured National Health Service, taking responsibility for our own health and wellness and taking action. The idea behind the campaign is to use a trigger, and then share your success using the #1change hashtag. The positive change over time, all adds up to a healthier you.
It is easy to fall out of good habits when we don’t pay attention or actually not even get going with them because life is so busy and it is just one more thing to remember to do. That is why the #1change idea is great as it relies on a trigger to make it happen.
Knowing the link between long-term disease and lifestyle choices, is the first step in making positive lifestyle changes. But to ensure it really happens, here is the suggested frame:
Trigger- Choose something you commonly do daily e.g. brush teeth
Behaviour – What is it you want to change e.g. do push-ups, so start with one just to establish the habit. Every time you brush your teeth, do a push-up.
Celebrate – pat yourself on your back every time you “brush and push”, and share your success with your friends.
Share and inspire others on social media under #1change
As an example: if you want to start getting your exercise done first thing in the day, when you set your alarm at night (trigger), lay your work-out gear next to your phone. Seeing it in the morning will help you establish the habit (behaviour). Don't forget to Celebrate: share on social media with the #1change hashtag. You can even tag us if you want us to help you be accountable (@bodhimovementmassage).
What #1change will YOU make? I'd love to hear from you!